Thursday, February 26, 2009

'Speacial day' in UTAR, kampar!!!

Normally, it's not something special around us, but it's a 'special day' in UTAR, kampar!! This is the most touchable since i hav been study here... How long i hav study here, i think is be around 2 months! this is the view i hardly ever saw in UTAR campus. i cant believe my eye when i saw tis scene, my tear was hanging there(jk), i thoght i was dreaming, it's an incredible things here! that is, i saw a lot of gals wear skirt!!! haha... haih, tis is the pitiful of the gentleman in tis campus, ladies cannot wear mini skirt in the canpus. normal skirt is accecptable, but dunno y only few ppl wear skirt. normally, they owez wear a shirt + jean,koa dim edi. basically, i can use my fingers, 5 fingers is more than enuf, to count who else wear skirt in a day(for my falcuty). tis is an 'unusual day' here, becuz i can't use my fingers to count whose wear skirt, i nid use my toes also.haha... tis is ntg special, but tis is an endanger scene here, almost extinct! lol... ladies, pls learn how to wear skirt, skirt can make a woman more woman. it make u look more beautiful, built up the woman's temperament and keep ladies' deportment! lol... long time din see ladies wear skirt, a bit chi sian edi, not bian tai! haha... so, ladies, pls wear skirt when go out with me! haha...

Saturday, February 21, 2009

给澳洲的dai jiao!!!

Blog, 很久以前就已很想写了!毫无疑问,chan lik hei, this is for u!
想一想,你去澳洲看袋鼠已一个星期了。上个星期,我是知道ar chan是要走了,但忙到没有时间去沉淀这感觉,对不起!
夜晚,我超爱夜晚!它能让我静静的回想以前得事情,去感受这些事情。很久没有这样夜睡了,很多事情突然很清晰的徘徊在脑海中,原来我和ar chan 的回忆也不少。
我很清楚地记得,我们是因为篮球而认识的!当时,你是和你的邻居(忘了名字)一起傻傻的在salak south garden 的羽球场打篮球,没看错,是羽球场!然后不懂是谁走过去跟你这百痴哈拉,就这样的一起打球,就这样的邂逅,就这样认识了,一起打球,讲废话,进校队,打比赛。
salak south garden,我很喜欢这个地方,它有很多dai jiao们的回忆。每个星期六早上打到中午,有时玩些很无聊的游戏,还记得吗?哪射屁股的白痴三分比赛?还有下雨时打球,进球后像足球员般在地上滑来滑去,喊goal~~~ 够白痴了。之后在比赛前疯狂的练球,打比赛,taman yarl,sentosa... ...
Form 4 form 5,是我们最要好的时候,每天在学校哈拉,说废话,shot 来shot去,BM一起考不及格,被puan... ... 骂!哈!每天模仿puan sosamah 讲‘good morning, students’
有时还去PA room ponteng,超记得一件事_华文班油漆!我们五条水,loong loong, w.haur, z.yin, u n me 在华文班油漆,油了很多天而且那时还很多烟霾!最后要清理华文班那天,清清下五条水在那晚水,玩玩下趴在地上讲心事。虽然忘了聊什么,但很爽也很开心。还记得那些水是在女厕拿的,我们还变态到在那研究 '面包机' ,都怪你太变态,就一起变态下!
之前没想过去送你机,想了想,看了你和loong loong 的blog,觉得有点后悔,为什么我不在你离开Malaysia前其中的一个小回忆。朋友,我真的很钦信我们是认识的,我们还有很多一起的欢了;朋友,你要坚强的走下去,你不会孤单的;我们不会忘记你,你也不要忘记我们ya!好好照顾自己的身体,记得要打篮球,不要让你超 'wei' 的招式失传!maggie 不要吃太多,秃头你就知道,那要靠岸就渺茫咯!谭咏麟朋友这首歌(thx loong loong),很好听,一边听一边写,用了很多tissue,对不起树木了!哈!不是打飞机ya!虽然瘦了,但很喜欢肥猪王这花名,很有意义!等你回来哈拉,打球,记得练,输太多就不好了,我让你太多也不好咯。哈!v r waiting u,captain!