Friday, March 20, 2009


SJKC SALAK SOUTH, besides my house, this was the place i'd be there for most times in last first half of year! Y i'd be there? R u sweeping there, or help to wash the toilet? A sweeper? In fact, i'm a primary scul teacher, there is no argument for that. Yes, i was a teacher, most probaby, most of my fren thought that i fooled them while i told them. fei zhu wong wo, dun cheat there lah, there was incredible u r a teacher, a playful guy, owez siao like sozai, said rude works to my buddies(@^$%#^%#@), most of the time r not serious n bla bla bla... somemore go cc dota(got 1 time a student saw me in cc, damn)... haha... i also never, ever thought that i'll become a teacher, tis was unbelievable for me too, how come tis kind of ppl could be a teacher!? lol... After i have been gratuated from high scul, one of my sentosa fren(yung seng) introduced us to interview tis job, really thx him, it's a great and wonderful job i ever had b4. well, teacher, i was satisfied to it, their payment not bad, moderate for me, RM 1200++ per month for SPM level, RM 1600++/month for STPM level, better than xiong xiong, do u guys noe!? RM 500++, my doggie upgrade edi, transform to human, become a cheap labour... haha... cheer for him, n he can on9 while working mah, not bad. Back into topic, i teach at afternoon session, i love it, hate to wake up at the early morning, tat's y i have been skipped a lot morning class in uni... lol... Obviously, the working hours was relatively short, damn short, 1 to 7pm, then 3 to 4 hours were teaching periods, other time juz stay at office read newspaper n mark those exercise books. Then i can hang out at nite times, haha...
SJKC SALAK SOUTH, ya, it's small, but tis was a nice scul, every things were simpled, teachers were helpful, owez rent me a hand b4 i asked them, they will tell me wat to do for most things, share some of their teaching experinces, how to control a class n bla bla bla... 郑副 also treat us good, v owez ask her bout the salary, cuz government damn slow to release salary, i wait half a year to get those salary since i began to teach at jan... Student, tis is the major thing in tis post, the most memorable stuffs in my teaching period...
Ya, mentioned again, i'm a teacher, so, my student sure will call me 张老师!!! tis sound was good u noe, since i was a primary student, i has been daydream some1 will call me zhang lao shi, there was an admiration when other classmate(primary) call like tis! 1st time my student called me zhang lao shi, 感觉有风吹过,轻飘飘地。。。n smile while heard that, syok a... haha... Honestly, when u r a teacher, u can feel the simple childlike of the student, every things go in simple ways, their talking, attidute,innocent of them, u can recall ur primary life, no act, no cheat(even through they cheat, u noe edi) if u dun like,我不跟你好了, how green is it...

Although my hair got a bit long, it's the proved that i'm a teacher! haha... the student is 咖哩菲 only! lol... i forced him to take photo with me! Yang chen hou, very lazy de...

some students r 人小鬼大,owez ask somethings that not be on their level. As example, when i teach science, i told them the term of REPRODUCTION n bla bla bla.. then some asked how do they born, if xiong xiong ask, sure i'll tell him ur father's sperm flew into ur mother xxx when ML, then created u lo... haha...dun angry ya, i 1 a contrast... haha... as a primary teacher, i told them ur father n mother get marry then born u lo, some 人小鬼大said more in detail, ' lao shi, i noe, i watch the movie b4, daddy n mummy bla bla bla, then bla bla bla' , sure he scold by me, n i said i no nid to noe ! lol... but is was fun...

my class, 2U! lol...

not dare to take much photo, a parent stare me edi, later she complain me then dai wok!

i had the most times to teach in tis class,2u, all students i has been recognized, even whose sat on which place. My lovely class, lovely students were be there. many type of students inside the class, intelligent, lazy, blur, n bla bla bla, some r cute(most r gal), i very sayang the cute cute student... haha... my fren said i got 恋童癖!!! haha... i also dunno. few students r talkactive, they dared to speak with me while i'm teaching, said a lot non-related things, sometimes flew over the topic. but it's not bad, at least they pay attention, then sometimes said some funny things... New generation now, not same as our era, shy shy de, teacher said tis then juz follow. lol... But i really put a lot of effort on it, when u changed some1 bad behaviour, like din listen to lecture, din pass up their homeworks, lazy n bla bla bla.. tis was an achievement u noe, not noly teach them in academy area but also help them to create their personality, change bad behaviours, how to treat a person n so on. Mayb it's not much n some still dint change at all or juz act when i'm be around, but i contribute the part i shud bring to them.

the fellow in right side is my lovely student, called chan sin wei, but he owez scold by me!!! cuz he owez daydream there, after scold by me, he shown me the cute face. haha... n he often said some nonsense things, then made me answer some nonsense things too...

the 'v' stye fellow, chow yao yew, a intelligence student, talkactive too...

sport day... the middle gal pose well when took photo. dun believe, see next!

see, at this age, she very geng! can fight with hao hao! haha... i very ugly, dunno y i pose like tis!?
when i act i'm injure, that nurse dun 1 to cure me!!! sad, she din choi the teacher!
savages gang!
those photo took at recycle day, they use the recycle things to do clothes. the red fellow's clothes very geng, her mother use the plastic bags to make the 旗袍, saw from far side, u wont noe it made from tat things. then the front side, 2nd from left the mother lagi geng, she made the 和服 for her daughter! dunno made from wat, but she was the champion of tat category.
Dunno my students still rmb tis zhang lao shi anot!? miss them a lot! sometimes i'll think, do they do their homework, how r their result, do they bully their teacher(form teacher said they bully the teacher that replace my position)!? really miss them, i felt sadness when i leaeve the scul, haiz... but i'm happy when the 1st time i went back to scul after i resigned, help 郑副 for few weeks, teach at morning, not afternoon anymore, but when i saw them, they vey excited, my heart felt warm tat time... haha... if i hav a chance, i'd like to go back n teach for a short period, to see my students, how they grow like... Primary scul teacher, not a bad occupation, it might not my dream job, but i wont resist it, mayb someday i can't find a job, i'll do teacher again.. haha... juz for SJKC SALAK SOUTH, other r suck!

Sunday, March 1, 2009


今天很无聊的, 在youtube看了俩个多小时的video clips... 本打算看一下下就继续打我的lab report, 不自禁地, 没完没了的陶醉在其中! 今天的主题是我最最最崇拜的运动员_ kobe bryant...
简介一下,kobe bryant,nba LA lakers 篮球队的球星, 要怎么样形容他!? 很简单,如果我是某某球队的老板, 他是一位我要把他放在神台上, 每天要为他烧香膜拜的神级人物。神,他是比神还要神的神。每次看他的球赛,心里都会有种莫名的感动,然后会想去模仿他的技术,有要打篮球的冲动。他是篮球艺术的超级典范,看他打球,好像在看一出不像艺术片的艺术片,一片不会沉闷的艺术作品!优雅,把篮球打得如此优雅的人,我看都没有几个。他的优雅之处,在于他跳投射篮真的太太太厉害了,动作如此的优美,空间掌握的熟练,往往在不可能地方射不可能的球,不可思议的时候灌些动作超优美的灌篮。。。在当今科技发达的时候,一位运动员的技术和习惯往往会被研究再研究,自己的习惯外人可能比自己还要清楚,久而久之,技术会被人看透后杀伤力就会减少!但对于bryant,技术被看明了,又如何!?你可能知道他下一步要做什么,你的神经系统就是反应不及,反应到了可能是你要去篮底开球的时候了。他的变化太多了,每走一步,都是一种变数,跳起后还可以有不同的变化,比air jordan还要air 的神。只要他有决心的时候,篮球场的什么角落,甚至是死角,他都能把它投进,soop响亮的声音,超好听地。很喜欢技术型的球员,因为他们都没有中前锋将高(较高嘛,投篮容易点,欺负矮小的人),所以技术型的人都会想方法在高过他们的人面前进球,是用脑打球的人。bryant的技术,太独一无二了,比炉火纯青还要高的境界,背后付出的,有谁比他还要更了解清楚?决心,从他身上学了很多,从一个受万人爱戴的天之骄子到一个被人垂骂得完无体肤的球星,现在又慢慢建立回来的拥护,他是位很值得尊敬和崇拜的坚强的人,比小强还要强的大强。有谁有将多的决心,在高峰时刻掉入谷底后,能靠一己之力攀上比那高峰期还要高的成就!?我的话,精力磨光了就可能在气馁了。bryant,他是这少数中的一人,在压力下完成这任务。运动员的生存时光不长,真希望他能打更多更多的年,一次MVP(Most Valuable Player,a top award in NBA)太不衬托他的成就了,还有很多记录等着他来打破,这才适合他的非凡!NBA的口号,'where amazing happen',应该是为了用它来形容bryant而设的吧!bryant加油,lebron收皮啦!