Friday, June 26, 2009


每个人的人生有几多个十年啊?目前为止的我,已经过了两个十年。。这二十年内,我曾经做过多不算多少不算少的工作,从Form 2的第一份工作-修车学徒,到目前为止我最就引以为傲的临时教师,我大概做过4份正职(没算part-time)。人生的第一份工〉修车学徒,一份非自愿的工作,假期没事做,被爸爸逼去姨丈的车店帮忙,上上螺丝,拆拆轮胎,换换润滑油,假期的第一份工就这样献了出去。。。以前我可以自己一人service一辆车地,如果你现在你叫我service一辆车,对不起谢谢,我怕你的车等下走走下死火了!虽然我也差不多忘了以前学修车的事情,不过是一个蛮好的经验,睡在车底拆呀拆,锁啊锁,坐坐不同的车款。哈哈。。我有学到东西地,至少还记得一些车的零件,车坏了还会一点点,那时也不会太不知所措。但可别期望太高,就那一点点!还有另外一件事,很记得,在车店外面pokai扑到蛮厉害。自己踩到盖longkang的铁柱之类的东西,有裂缝地,够一只脚放下去啦。那时下雨而且鞋子难免有占到一些油,一下踏到那铁柱,滑了一些,pop,一只脚塞进去了和头撞到那铁柱。就这样扑了一次街,面肿到像猪头,之后好像休息了一天。幸好没留疤,依然将leng zai!? haha...

轮到第二份正职了,Form 4的假期,没错是Form 4,Form 3的时候懒在家做回我的本职-张家大少爷!哈哈。。当到了Form 4假期,想有一些物质的享受了,又不可以将大少爷地摊开手掌跟妈妈拿,就去尽人事去找下工咯。最后,应该是zee yin找到工后顺便介绍我去,就这样‘靠自己’找到人生的第二份工作〉BATA shop's sale assistant,简单来说mai就是买鞋佬咯!Mid valley 1st floor的BATA shop,有卖很多种鞋,power, nike, adidas, bata leather shoe, bubble brand's shoe和家喻户晓的读书鞋!哈哈。。第一份要长时间站着的工作,说真的,那段时候是我差不多要到我历年来最fit的时候了,篮球校队a,你以为盖地meh(想当年啦)。可是,第一天做工我差不多要站到抽筋,哇塞!ok,我自认自己口才不是很好,只是纯碎的serve customer,不会假假的赞到天华龙凤,‘哇,你穿到很美呀,这鞋简直是为你而设计地’,想到都想要呕。ya,我还学会一点点假笑,没办法,有时跟顾客眼神对到,又不可以不理他,就假假将笑笑咯!现在想回那时,觉得自己很搞笑,有时会跟同辈的抢顾客(当然是贵鞋啦),你抢我我抢你的,然后又不爽咯!哈哈。。豆记仔!除了这些,以下是要提醒女生去试鞋时,请注意你当天穿什么衣服!如果serve你的又是男生,妳衣服领口蛮底的话又不防范(防走光啦),你就益了那男生咯!哈哈。。我和朋友给人益了不少,不懂要说她们笨还是可爱,lelong lelong。没办法,男生是个很矛盾的生命体,你show给他看,没有理由不去欣赏的嘛,男士们,对不对?那时就只好,老虎老鼠,傻傻分不清楚~

接下去的两份工,在我人生有至关重要的意义,两大因数,工作上及人事上占了无可取代的地位!就先跳到最后一份工,是的,没错,答对了,临时老师!逻辑一点想的话,这工作对我的影响性质当然是工作上啦,这是我目前为止最geng的工作了。本来想写‘事业上’而不是‘工作上’地,但事业的话,我没有,用了好像很言重将!算,回正题,这份当然是我最最最满意和开心的工作啦,我不讨厌小孩,有时还会傻傻得跟他们玩在一起le。从小,妈妈都算是半个奶妈,不算我4个弟妹的话,她有时会帮我啊姨们照顾小孩,1岁到5岁将啦!有时我会帮下忙得,对于照顾小孩,都会一点点地。加上我最小的弟弟出生时,我也开始懂事了,管教小孩,简直是Ass A Lan Dea! 是的,我是可以和他们玩在一起,尤其是我弟弟,玩得时候他都会‘欺负’我,算啦,小孩,让下他们。但该认真的时候就的认真,还玩玩下的话,被我骂是正常地,问我小弟就知道,他很怕我骂他,我差不多要生气的时候他都很会做人!好像离题了,简单来说,我觉得自己有当小学老师的料,只是小学而已,因我要我的学生听听话话。哈哈!我是有占有欲和操纵欲的人啊,吹meh!关于这份工的美好及回忆,之前写过,懒得再重复。总之,做了这份工后,presentation没有非常怕,都会怕得,只是没有怕得很厉害。这对我以后的事业有蛮大的鼓舞及帮助,胆子比以前大了一些些咯!

To be continue...

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Climb

Lyrics :
I can almost see it
That dream I am dreaming
But there's a voice inside my head saying
"You'll never reach it"

Every step I'm taking
Every move I make feels
Lost with no direction
My faith is shaking

But I gotta keep trying
Gotta keep my head held high

There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be a uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose

Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb

The struggles I'm facing
The chances I'm taking
Sometimes might knock me down
But no, I'm not breaking

I may not know it
But these are the moments that
I'm gonna remember most, yeah
Just gotta keep going

And I, I got to be strong
Just keep pushing on

'Cause there's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be a uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose

Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb, yeah!

There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be an uphill battle
Somebody's gonna have to lose

Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb, yeah!

Keep on moving, keep climbing
Keep the faith, baby
It's all about, it's all about the climb
Keep the faith, keep your faith, whoa

Monday, June 15, 2009

God : Ultimate Version

2009, 14th of june(US time), LA Lakers won the series versus Orlando Magic in the final, aggregate result 4-1 over Magic.. Finally, the moment i had been wait since longggggg time ago, LA Lakers was claimed theirs 15th NBA championship in their club histories, 4th championship of Kobe Bryant 12 years career in Lakers. Finally, finally, he earned all the major honours in NBA, the last pieces of his legendary's puzzle, that is, that is, the NBA FINAL Most Valuable Player(MVP)! Wow~ Yeah~ Song Ar~ Ultimate god is born..

Before the exist of Lebron, he is the yougest player made his career in NBA, it was 18 years old that jump from high scul into NBA arena, shinning himself in the NBA by his greatest basketball skills(for me). Most 'youngest' honours have had broken by him b4, yougest All Star Game player, yougest player to reach certain scoring milestones n so on. Besides that, 3 times NBA All Star Game MVP, 1 time NBA seoson MVP(pity for him, he should obtain more), few times most scoring player and more that i did not noe or forget.

Ya, i love to watch Kobe's basketball skills, n his psychokinesis to reach the goal although a lot of fluctuation might occur. I do agree the potential of lebron james to keep going to break Bryant's yougest records and he will be 1 of the legend later on, but he is not the type of player that i justice...I not really like the 1 that juz noe to use their body strength to tease their opponent. Yes, tis is the result of their hardwork from gym, but it's not my type, especially lebron, + the over promote of NBA n the help of referee, these r the hatest! King james wo, pui!!! Tis is a subjective issue. The one i like, most probably i love, is Kobe type. His movement is such elegancy, crossover and dribble skills to pass by his opponent, ankle break, clutch shot, shoting skills, big time shot(important shot), his movement of slamming the dunk n also the ability of hanging himself in the air.. 'Where amazing happen', that is used to describe him besides Michael Jordan, he is the greatest of the great for me.

Honestly, the moment i saw him claimed his 4th championship ring, my tear was spreading my eye, an unbeliavable sensation had been tasted me. He dint give up or loss his pasion to win the game, especially the strive to the NBA champion, he is hunger to the glory. Although he lost in the NBA final last year, he juz keep aza aza fighting to challenge again n he has had the crop that should belong to him today. Watch the youtube video bout bryant is 1 of my activity in Kampar, i can watch the beatiful movement of him n also learn my skills from him. N tis also giv me motivation to fight for my study n life. LA Lakers - 15 champions are not enuf, Bryant - 4 championship rings, 1 seoson MVP, 1 final MVP, 3 x All Star Game Final, all r totally not satisfied, u shud get more! Lakers n Bryant go go go... ...

Ya, some credit shud giv to his teammate too, Trevor Ariza - can score especially 3 point field goal n steal the ball in the crucial time. Pau Gasol - the major factor of the evolution of LA Lakers, increase the diversification of Lakers. Lamar Odom - if he has the passion, he has the ability to do well. Fish_Fisher - important 3 pointer, sometimes hit the damn important shot, most representative shot_a winning shot in 0.4 second, less than 1 second. Andrew Bynum - still noob for me, useless most of the time, but they said he got potential. Lakers bench - giv the support when the start-up players nid rest, not bad in average, sometime dint help a lot. Additional, Shanon Brown - high effective 3 point shot, when he shot, i got an xing gan besides bryant's shot. In the end, we are the champion, we are the champion~~~ wow~

Big 3 of Lakers - Gasol, Bryant n Odom
N the greatest NBA coach - Phil Jackson, 10 championship rings as a coach, most ever.
Bryant hold the final MVP trophy n 'fish' hold the final trophy..

Sunday, June 7, 2009


At the midnite of 7th june 2009, it's a bad day for me! 1stly, the cibek touch n go card was malfunction, all credit in the card has been gone, at least RM 40 inside the card. I juz has a ride from gopeng to Ipoh, the normal charge is RM 3 or RM 4 only, i think the touch n go's machine in the gopeng sot sot edi, it cannot detect the card(i think). When i was reach the Ipoh's toll, the toll fee was RM 70, i was stunned there, impossible mah! Since not enuf credit, the worker came, i told him i was coming from gopeng, bla bla bla, then he let me go. I tought the value inside the card is stil remained, when i bek ar, i used the card touch touch the machine lo, cao cibai, no more value edi.. RM 40 was gone lo, highest charge rate i never had b4. Cannot ague edi, when i realize, it's too late...

Continue, the worst thing i had suffered in kampar, i had gastric disease! Diu, my tummy was damn pain when i went to bed. Start sleep at 5am, then pain till i went to clinic at 9 something, tis period i never go off, rolling at the bed( not too frequent), sleeping n suffering at the same time. I'd like to get out from bed to eat something de, but tired + lazy, then pain till i cannot tahan only 'woke up' to eat n drink sumthing + lao sai x 3 times( da bian, very liquid de, i think is the gastric acid). Since there was no change after did those things, suan lo, bobian, went to clinic in blur condition. I has had an injection by doctor, i tought he 1 inject at my si fat( a bit resist, no choice, better than gastralgia), so i was lying in the bed n showing my si fat in front of him. Haha.. Then he said he 1 inject at the hand, not si fat, lol, a bit embarrassed, luckily i dint take off my pants. Felt better now, not pain as b4, cuz the injection can reduce the gastric acid, stil got a bit bu shu fu.

I also dei sei, dint eat lunch yesterday, cuz no time, nid went to waterfall, haha, ate those junk foods gao dim edi. I also dint eat a proper dinner tat day, eat 2 chicken wings, few sausages n some other food only(bbq). N i has had some bad habits, if no scul, i wont wake up too early, n then skip the breakfast. Dint eat lunch n dinner at the proper time, love to eat spicy foods n drink coffee. Physiology time damn disorder, sometime sleep sikit, sometime a lot, sometime sleep at morning then wake up at evening! haha... dei sei, then kena cucuk lah!

So, i hope i wont suffer tis kind of pain anymore, in the coming 1 or 2 weeks, spicy foods n coffee r forbid, try to sleep early n eat lunch n dinner at the proper time. i dun1 suffer n kena cucuk for the same reason.