Saturday, November 28, 2009

Friday Nite

Friday, it was the day i looked forward every week b4 i pursue study in U. This is the end of the weekdays as well as last day of the scul or work in the particular week; and friday nite, it was the time v hang up and release tension of the study n work, the weekly routine of the sp gang.. I do miss the day v had last time, a big gang which can nearly form 2 teams gather automatically on friday nite, neither cal nor sms, tis was the privity of sp basketball gang.. good good us..

Yeah~ Tis was the basketbal nite b4 hei went to Australia, i had been a long time dint play with him le.. Look forward the day i bek kl, v can play a proper basketbal again.. hehe.. Oh ya, v also have been a longggggggggg time dint play dota... Dota dota dota..

Friday nite is not only basketbal nite but also a dota nite.. Still aftertaste the moment i own u guy.. haha.. Rm 5 package for 3 hours games till midnite, sometime even worst, might add on the time if play very song.. Actually i'm not addict on dota, but addict to play with u guys_ yin, long, mun, hei, haur, fai, fai's brother.. i had seem to be addicted, cuz i play a lottttttt last time with other frens as well. Now only i realise, i play a lot to train my skills to q u guys... haha... Honestly, i dint plat dota for half year or even longer.. no kaki like our gang jor..

So,hope v can recur tis weekly routine. Although it is not possible for all weeks, at least v can return tis moment while v r able to do it. N hav to warn u guy, my basketball skills r getting bek gradually... hahahahaha

Suddenly heard of tis song, it's memorable...

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Unlucky M3 : Version 2

Well, my hp and some of the money have been stolen last nite, 3rd of november at around 11pm. My 1st time ever stolen case was occurred in my room at kampar. In fact, i'm not sure how was tat pokai stole my stuffs but i do hav some idea how tat pokai did. I hav the mistaken as well, i did not put my properties at the rite place. haha... So, my hp n wallet were put on the table(normally not at tis place) which near the window n i did not close the window cuz i dun1 gok sona. In addition, my room is near the backstreet. Although there is some distance between the table n the window frame n there is not reachable by hand, he did it. I think tat pokai use something to hook my stuffs.

When i realize my stuffs were missing, i'd like to sing apologize which r a song of one republic_ is too late~~~ It was around 12am when i wanna find my phone n i casually saw my wallet was on the window frame. Then money gone while i open the wallet but those cards were still there. Dunno wanna thx tat pokai anot!? So tat is the incident.. N dun blame me dun close the window, cuz i juz went to kitchen for not more than 5 min around 11pm. In my memory, tis is the only moment i dint be at my room tat time.

Lastly, if u sudden think of me or wanna contact me for tis moment, pls cal the no. below or leave me a msg though msn or others. N thx those who r concern bout tis, gam xie gam xie.
05 - 466 2763

Monday, September 14, 2009


兄弟之含义—与你有血缘关系的人,哥哥和弟弟相互的称呼。在男性的字典内,兄弟可翻译为男性之间友好关系的代表,同性好朋友之间的称呼。Brother and buddy 这子对男性而言是很管用的语句,对一些普普通通的朋友称为brother,莫名的可以拉近少些的距离感!虽然彼此不是很熟,这是个比较亲切的称呼。在真心称某某人为兄弟的层面思考的话,此人在那人的心中应该是占了不少的分量。所谓兄弟有难,必定义不容辞,两胁插刀,赴汤蹈火的帮助兄弟!当然我的话不会太武侠,在能力范围内必定伸出暖手或想办法做些我可触及之处的事。契弟呢?契弟之含义—与你有无血缘关系的人,干哥称干弟的名称;另一个广东的俗语译法,某人当那人是白痴或傻瓜,那某人会骂他契弟!你个正kai dai~

对于同性朋友,我也不清楚自己是否常把brother这子挂在嘴边,但可以肯定的是,我真心把那些人当成兄弟的是一对‘双胞胎’!那一对?当然是我的狗仔和它‘双胞胎’的个体—ckm。。。 他们没什么血缘关系,为什么叫双胞胎,就见仁见智,你自己对号入座吧!对于今天的主题,我不讲家禽,因狗仔很忠心,它还未得罪我而我也未得罪它!Oopps,我应该用他而不是它!哈哈。。(Soli lah, i'm ur pet too)! Ckm 这人最近这几个月都一直围绕着我的思绪(声明:我百分百的喜欢女性的正常男性),他出现在我脑海是为了某些事情,一些我觉得蛮困挠的问题!


每次我回去kl,我总是很期待与我的朋友们聚会,yum cha, sing k, play bb n bla bla bla... 但,最近这几次回家都少了那一点点的期待,回去kampar都好像有些未完成的事!每次回kl,有几人我是必找地;可前几次,唯独是他我是特意漏掉地!虽然有时无聊到在家不懂要做什么,想找人出去时最快想到的人就是他,可我没有这样做,因这件事,目前为止我已经妥协到不能再妥协了。我不知你是假装不知还是什么,可能我在演独角戏,这事已经足足让我生了几个月的闷气!有时上床睡觉的时候想到,想到生气的睡不着都不懂为了什么。曾经睡觉发梦到这事,然后在梦中有少些意识,就越想越气到从梦中醒来后就睡不着了。那天我明明累得一上床倒头就睡,明明是睡不久,明明是那么的疲惫,可就这样一直到天亮。。。 你的态度我已经很不爽了,想到这些lanjiao态度,那些粗口就一直想骂!当一些事情触动的别人的底线时,而那人又放下身段不计前嫌后,你就不要再重蹈复撤,给别人看那cibek姿态。我妥协了触及底线的事情,说也说过,骂也骂过,自己的身段也放下了好多次,你以为我是神啊,忍耐性是无底深谷的宽度吗?可能某些原因你以为我在说教,你讨厌的说教,可这已经不是一次你触动我的底线及考验我的忍耐心了。这些道理你可能觉得我在说废话,无关痛痒地,可这是我少些的原则,自身的道理及原则我是懂地,不要以为我在放屁或吹水。说教的话我还未够格,我那敢对你说教啊!


Friday, September 11, 2009



- 细唐先生,作为一个朋友你真是千古难求,作为一条水鱼你真是举世无双。

- 这间房间风景最好,真是所谓东邪西毒的混合体,你知道是什么吗?即是西斜(邪)。但是我最喜欢731那间房的枕头,因为它很软之余又很硬;371那间我又喜欢他的床褥喔,因为它很硬之余又很软;最重要那个事2047房的坐厕板,我刚才坐下去,它的那个震荡力是刚好令到你明明想小便的,都想小事化大,我十分之中意。

-哇,大哥,你来夜店这种地方玩,我要告诉你老婆听! 啊呀,大嫂你也来了,我要告诉你老公听!啊呀,你们夫妻俩都来了,我要告诉你们老爸听!

- 爽:“你做乜啊,半夜三更当呢度係动物园啊,得闲就入来参观下,你当我係蝙蝠啊?”

- 我现在用我非常不负责任但亦都非常专业的眼光告诉你,我看好你!

- 你蒸鱼唔驶‘擒’盖(盖盖子)噶?你唔惊佢游走啊?

- 爽:“点解啲蚂蚁要一模一样?就係要老细唔认得佢地。一个星期翻6日工,其实係有6只蚂蚁。所以我地应该向政府申请,一个星期翻一日,休息6日,大家话啱唔啱(对不对)?”

wow~ I like the last sentences in 4th, hahaha...

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

MY FM星光11齐天外传台庆

15th, AUGUST 2009-这天早上,我悄悄的回去了kl,主要目的是去MY FM星光11齐天外传台庆!是的,当天是与housematess一起回来地,到达kl后休息了一会儿就匆匆的飞去genting!不用羡慕我,哈哈,我是有看到现场,可是。。。后面加了个直播!? 现场+直播=?很诡异也很搞笑,我们拿的票是要redeem地,换票时间是12pm-5pm,我们4点多才到达所以台庆现场的份就没我们的啦!所以云顶和my fm为了‘补偿’,就送个直播给换不到现场票的可怜虫s,而且是首播le。zadou好厉害!Genting International Showroom,留下太好的回忆给我了,好像戏院将的le。。。=.='''

ok,台庆的故事讲述《西游记》中的唐三藏(卓卉勤饰演)、孙悟空(陈志康)、猪八戒(翁书尉)、沙僧(贾森)、牛魔王(尹汇雰)、蜘蛛精(菲比)为寻找“现代人最缺乏的东西”任务来到大马,并遇到种种困难和挑战,并经历“喜”、“怒”、“哀”、“乐”4个人生阶段,最终找到现代人最缺乏的东西 then bla bla bla... 物质上,现代人都比以前的人拥有很多东西,可是我们永远不会满足,总是羡慕某某某有的而我没有,无时无刻都要填满自己的欲望或物质上的享受。因为平时拥有的,已经是理所当然的东西,对我们来说,这些都是基本中的基本,没什么大不了。理所当然对我们来说只是一个不以为然的存在,想多都无谓。My fm说,现代人最缺乏的东西是“关怀”,对我来说,也许是吧,没什么领悟到这点!可我喜欢它呈献的方式,就是我之前说的惊奇,他们让我们看见一些平时不留意就不去理会的事情-就是残障人士的不幸。它使我领悟到的另外一些事情:一些理所当然的事情或东西,对一些人来说,是那么的遥不可及;而我,是那么的愚昧。


明年有机会,真想去看my fm的台庆且要看现场,不要加直播!
The End

Friday, July 24, 2009

Unlucky M3

23th,Julai 2009- This was the day i suppose to go bek kl which yearn day and nite since last bek to kl. I can hang out with the old friends, long time dint c them as well as my cute little aniki. But this was totally not my day, like kena curse, those bad luck were accompanied me these 2 weeks, especially today, can it giv me a breath!? Those rude words are crossing my mine now, really 1 to shout it out! %#@%@^^$&$%$%^ Bek to last week time, my cloth-alike cupboard was perforated summore fallen down, until now i havent buy a new 1, juz let it laid on the floor... Then i cannot watch Man U match since it so near to my house, mother, summore they hardly ever play 2 games in Malaysia + the ticket was damn low in price. Moreover, the damn fucking person keep spoiling my mood, dunno wat to do for me. The wosrt of these 2 weeks, today, it spoiled the plan i yearned for long time. I suppose to be in kl and playing the ps2 or go pasar mlm + yum cha with fren now but not sit at the kampar's house n writing the blog. Yup, my lan jiao car was broken down on the way bek to kl, the only luck was not far away from kampar, 20-25 min to go there. The thing called lower arm of the car was broken, it is near the tayar, so i cant run for far n nid to replace that thing. Once i found out a workshop n let the worker checked, he said juz nid a moment to exchange the lower arm after he find the replacement stuff tat get from other shop. Then v waited for 1 hour... Da ma de, where he go o, damn long, i thought tat shop was not far away from this workshop. Then i ask the other worker, he said his boss pergi Tapah sana cari, tiada lagi, pergi jauh sikit, Bidor sana.. Oh diu.. I thought half an hour can settle le.. 2 hours gone, after he bek, he told me tat there is not similar thing in those shop, nid to order from Ipoh sana n they will get it tml morning. That mean i hav no choice lah, cannot balik kl, the mood lagi spoiled. The car cannot run too far n nid to park over there, fuck lo, nid SOS from kampar's fren... Ntg to say on this part, but accidentally wait for another 2 hours, the time i bek to kampar is around 12 am edi, the departed time was 7pm... Fuckiest thing in the day, cibai curse on me, 衰开,原来有一条路,霉鬼是否缠上我了?
Really soli to those home sicking passengers, n very thankful to qiu ting, she and her fren rescued us from the SOS called, appreaciated the favor of her n her fren (i dun recognize 1). Hope this was the last unlucky thing in the moment... 我不想升级成地狱黑仔王!I am fei zhu wong!

Friday, June 26, 2009


每个人的人生有几多个十年啊?目前为止的我,已经过了两个十年。。这二十年内,我曾经做过多不算多少不算少的工作,从Form 2的第一份工作-修车学徒,到目前为止我最就引以为傲的临时教师,我大概做过4份正职(没算part-time)。人生的第一份工〉修车学徒,一份非自愿的工作,假期没事做,被爸爸逼去姨丈的车店帮忙,上上螺丝,拆拆轮胎,换换润滑油,假期的第一份工就这样献了出去。。。以前我可以自己一人service一辆车地,如果你现在你叫我service一辆车,对不起谢谢,我怕你的车等下走走下死火了!虽然我也差不多忘了以前学修车的事情,不过是一个蛮好的经验,睡在车底拆呀拆,锁啊锁,坐坐不同的车款。哈哈。。我有学到东西地,至少还记得一些车的零件,车坏了还会一点点,那时也不会太不知所措。但可别期望太高,就那一点点!还有另外一件事,很记得,在车店外面pokai扑到蛮厉害。自己踩到盖longkang的铁柱之类的东西,有裂缝地,够一只脚放下去啦。那时下雨而且鞋子难免有占到一些油,一下踏到那铁柱,滑了一些,pop,一只脚塞进去了和头撞到那铁柱。就这样扑了一次街,面肿到像猪头,之后好像休息了一天。幸好没留疤,依然将leng zai!? haha...

轮到第二份正职了,Form 4的假期,没错是Form 4,Form 3的时候懒在家做回我的本职-张家大少爷!哈哈。。当到了Form 4假期,想有一些物质的享受了,又不可以将大少爷地摊开手掌跟妈妈拿,就去尽人事去找下工咯。最后,应该是zee yin找到工后顺便介绍我去,就这样‘靠自己’找到人生的第二份工作〉BATA shop's sale assistant,简单来说mai就是买鞋佬咯!Mid valley 1st floor的BATA shop,有卖很多种鞋,power, nike, adidas, bata leather shoe, bubble brand's shoe和家喻户晓的读书鞋!哈哈。。第一份要长时间站着的工作,说真的,那段时候是我差不多要到我历年来最fit的时候了,篮球校队a,你以为盖地meh(想当年啦)。可是,第一天做工我差不多要站到抽筋,哇塞!ok,我自认自己口才不是很好,只是纯碎的serve customer,不会假假的赞到天华龙凤,‘哇,你穿到很美呀,这鞋简直是为你而设计地’,想到都想要呕。ya,我还学会一点点假笑,没办法,有时跟顾客眼神对到,又不可以不理他,就假假将笑笑咯!现在想回那时,觉得自己很搞笑,有时会跟同辈的抢顾客(当然是贵鞋啦),你抢我我抢你的,然后又不爽咯!哈哈。。豆记仔!除了这些,以下是要提醒女生去试鞋时,请注意你当天穿什么衣服!如果serve你的又是男生,妳衣服领口蛮底的话又不防范(防走光啦),你就益了那男生咯!哈哈。。我和朋友给人益了不少,不懂要说她们笨还是可爱,lelong lelong。没办法,男生是个很矛盾的生命体,你show给他看,没有理由不去欣赏的嘛,男士们,对不对?那时就只好,老虎老鼠,傻傻分不清楚~

接下去的两份工,在我人生有至关重要的意义,两大因数,工作上及人事上占了无可取代的地位!就先跳到最后一份工,是的,没错,答对了,临时老师!逻辑一点想的话,这工作对我的影响性质当然是工作上啦,这是我目前为止最geng的工作了。本来想写‘事业上’而不是‘工作上’地,但事业的话,我没有,用了好像很言重将!算,回正题,这份当然是我最最最满意和开心的工作啦,我不讨厌小孩,有时还会傻傻得跟他们玩在一起le。从小,妈妈都算是半个奶妈,不算我4个弟妹的话,她有时会帮我啊姨们照顾小孩,1岁到5岁将啦!有时我会帮下忙得,对于照顾小孩,都会一点点地。加上我最小的弟弟出生时,我也开始懂事了,管教小孩,简直是Ass A Lan Dea! 是的,我是可以和他们玩在一起,尤其是我弟弟,玩得时候他都会‘欺负’我,算啦,小孩,让下他们。但该认真的时候就的认真,还玩玩下的话,被我骂是正常地,问我小弟就知道,他很怕我骂他,我差不多要生气的时候他都很会做人!好像离题了,简单来说,我觉得自己有当小学老师的料,只是小学而已,因我要我的学生听听话话。哈哈!我是有占有欲和操纵欲的人啊,吹meh!关于这份工的美好及回忆,之前写过,懒得再重复。总之,做了这份工后,presentation没有非常怕,都会怕得,只是没有怕得很厉害。这对我以后的事业有蛮大的鼓舞及帮助,胆子比以前大了一些些咯!

To be continue...

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Climb

Lyrics :
I can almost see it
That dream I am dreaming
But there's a voice inside my head saying
"You'll never reach it"

Every step I'm taking
Every move I make feels
Lost with no direction
My faith is shaking

But I gotta keep trying
Gotta keep my head held high

There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be a uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose

Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb

The struggles I'm facing
The chances I'm taking
Sometimes might knock me down
But no, I'm not breaking

I may not know it
But these are the moments that
I'm gonna remember most, yeah
Just gotta keep going

And I, I got to be strong
Just keep pushing on

'Cause there's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be a uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose

Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb, yeah!

There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be an uphill battle
Somebody's gonna have to lose

Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb, yeah!

Keep on moving, keep climbing
Keep the faith, baby
It's all about, it's all about the climb
Keep the faith, keep your faith, whoa

Monday, June 15, 2009

God : Ultimate Version

2009, 14th of june(US time), LA Lakers won the series versus Orlando Magic in the final, aggregate result 4-1 over Magic.. Finally, the moment i had been wait since longggggg time ago, LA Lakers was claimed theirs 15th NBA championship in their club histories, 4th championship of Kobe Bryant 12 years career in Lakers. Finally, finally, he earned all the major honours in NBA, the last pieces of his legendary's puzzle, that is, that is, the NBA FINAL Most Valuable Player(MVP)! Wow~ Yeah~ Song Ar~ Ultimate god is born..

Before the exist of Lebron, he is the yougest player made his career in NBA, it was 18 years old that jump from high scul into NBA arena, shinning himself in the NBA by his greatest basketball skills(for me). Most 'youngest' honours have had broken by him b4, yougest All Star Game player, yougest player to reach certain scoring milestones n so on. Besides that, 3 times NBA All Star Game MVP, 1 time NBA seoson MVP(pity for him, he should obtain more), few times most scoring player and more that i did not noe or forget.

Ya, i love to watch Kobe's basketball skills, n his psychokinesis to reach the goal although a lot of fluctuation might occur. I do agree the potential of lebron james to keep going to break Bryant's yougest records and he will be 1 of the legend later on, but he is not the type of player that i justice...I not really like the 1 that juz noe to use their body strength to tease their opponent. Yes, tis is the result of their hardwork from gym, but it's not my type, especially lebron, + the over promote of NBA n the help of referee, these r the hatest! King james wo, pui!!! Tis is a subjective issue. The one i like, most probably i love, is Kobe type. His movement is such elegancy, crossover and dribble skills to pass by his opponent, ankle break, clutch shot, shoting skills, big time shot(important shot), his movement of slamming the dunk n also the ability of hanging himself in the air.. 'Where amazing happen', that is used to describe him besides Michael Jordan, he is the greatest of the great for me.

Honestly, the moment i saw him claimed his 4th championship ring, my tear was spreading my eye, an unbeliavable sensation had been tasted me. He dint give up or loss his pasion to win the game, especially the strive to the NBA champion, he is hunger to the glory. Although he lost in the NBA final last year, he juz keep aza aza fighting to challenge again n he has had the crop that should belong to him today. Watch the youtube video bout bryant is 1 of my activity in Kampar, i can watch the beatiful movement of him n also learn my skills from him. N tis also giv me motivation to fight for my study n life. LA Lakers - 15 champions are not enuf, Bryant - 4 championship rings, 1 seoson MVP, 1 final MVP, 3 x All Star Game Final, all r totally not satisfied, u shud get more! Lakers n Bryant go go go... ...

Ya, some credit shud giv to his teammate too, Trevor Ariza - can score especially 3 point field goal n steal the ball in the crucial time. Pau Gasol - the major factor of the evolution of LA Lakers, increase the diversification of Lakers. Lamar Odom - if he has the passion, he has the ability to do well. Fish_Fisher - important 3 pointer, sometimes hit the damn important shot, most representative shot_a winning shot in 0.4 second, less than 1 second. Andrew Bynum - still noob for me, useless most of the time, but they said he got potential. Lakers bench - giv the support when the start-up players nid rest, not bad in average, sometime dint help a lot. Additional, Shanon Brown - high effective 3 point shot, when he shot, i got an xing gan besides bryant's shot. In the end, we are the champion, we are the champion~~~ wow~

Big 3 of Lakers - Gasol, Bryant n Odom
N the greatest NBA coach - Phil Jackson, 10 championship rings as a coach, most ever.
Bryant hold the final MVP trophy n 'fish' hold the final trophy..

Sunday, June 7, 2009


At the midnite of 7th june 2009, it's a bad day for me! 1stly, the cibek touch n go card was malfunction, all credit in the card has been gone, at least RM 40 inside the card. I juz has a ride from gopeng to Ipoh, the normal charge is RM 3 or RM 4 only, i think the touch n go's machine in the gopeng sot sot edi, it cannot detect the card(i think). When i was reach the Ipoh's toll, the toll fee was RM 70, i was stunned there, impossible mah! Since not enuf credit, the worker came, i told him i was coming from gopeng, bla bla bla, then he let me go. I tought the value inside the card is stil remained, when i bek ar, i used the card touch touch the machine lo, cao cibai, no more value edi.. RM 40 was gone lo, highest charge rate i never had b4. Cannot ague edi, when i realize, it's too late...

Continue, the worst thing i had suffered in kampar, i had gastric disease! Diu, my tummy was damn pain when i went to bed. Start sleep at 5am, then pain till i went to clinic at 9 something, tis period i never go off, rolling at the bed( not too frequent), sleeping n suffering at the same time. I'd like to get out from bed to eat something de, but tired + lazy, then pain till i cannot tahan only 'woke up' to eat n drink sumthing + lao sai x 3 times( da bian, very liquid de, i think is the gastric acid). Since there was no change after did those things, suan lo, bobian, went to clinic in blur condition. I has had an injection by doctor, i tought he 1 inject at my si fat( a bit resist, no choice, better than gastralgia), so i was lying in the bed n showing my si fat in front of him. Haha.. Then he said he 1 inject at the hand, not si fat, lol, a bit embarrassed, luckily i dint take off my pants. Felt better now, not pain as b4, cuz the injection can reduce the gastric acid, stil got a bit bu shu fu.

I also dei sei, dint eat lunch yesterday, cuz no time, nid went to waterfall, haha, ate those junk foods gao dim edi. I also dint eat a proper dinner tat day, eat 2 chicken wings, few sausages n some other food only(bbq). N i has had some bad habits, if no scul, i wont wake up too early, n then skip the breakfast. Dint eat lunch n dinner at the proper time, love to eat spicy foods n drink coffee. Physiology time damn disorder, sometime sleep sikit, sometime a lot, sometime sleep at morning then wake up at evening! haha... dei sei, then kena cucuk lah!

So, i hope i wont suffer tis kind of pain anymore, in the coming 1 or 2 weeks, spicy foods n coffee r forbid, try to sleep early n eat lunch n dinner at the proper time. i dun1 suffer n kena cucuk for the same reason.

Monday, May 25, 2009


Last weekend, i has had a trip to Kuantan.. Kuantan, quite a enjoyable trip last few days, the only hatest things was too tired, dint hav enuf time n a bit rush for us.. lol.. Now, let me talk bout the stories of tis trip..
1st, i woke up damn early at the day v departed, around 5 something, the time i normally go to bed at kampar.. haha.. then, v gather n Mcd at shell lo, after fetch my mahjungs' kaki, xiao fa n j.shien! Since nid wait other, v went makan 1st, then damade, an unlucky thing for me at the start of the travel, that tambi at the mamak pour the tea to my pant, deng... (actually i got a bit kless, sei hk lo, dint mention me. lol)
K, after all ppl came, 14 of us, 3 cars were drove to Kuantan, take 3++ hours to there! lol.. a bit long lo, actually v drove slow slow at the start, cuz the other 2 driver dint drive overstate b4, suan lo.. but ar, they start to drive fast after familiar to the speed, 120-140km/h at the highway.. wahaha, good sign for me.. (tis will be continuing later)
After pass byKuantan's toll, v went to ... forgot makcha temple edi, got 转运龙 lah, walk along the road of the 转运龙,from tail to head n took around 15-20min, 转运mah..(temple keeper said it's the longest 转运龙in malaysia) then touch touch the dragon ball in front of the head of dragon to make wish! ( my wish is bla bla bla, then bla bla bla. lol) 古语有沄,进庙就拜神,就随俗随俗吧,oli tuo fo.. ok lah, i noe i'm not a religionist, but i has an earnest pray to the 财佛,win mahjung gao gao from those kaki( win jshien's money, xiao fa's money, hwa li's money, j.hsen de, hkeong de, xiao yen n mai mai de.. ... lol) i'm not a morbid gambler, play song only..haha
Aftertat, went to waterfall, tat waterfall damn beauty, v took a lot photo there.. haha.. since v were not decide to play water, v juz hav a walk there n rinse kaki as well as jalan the rocks upon the stream.. haha.. like monkey there. Next, v went to the kuantan city n check in lo, then ate mum mum at Berjaya megamall nearby the hotel. Cham, tat time is around 4 edi, no other things can eat, then v eat pizza hut. swt'''.. Addtionally information here, the 'ar gua' gang r not far away from our hotel, juz 2 streets behind. lol.. how shud i noe, cuz i'm god. haha..
Moreover, v went to teluk cempedak(i called cempedek) after a short break, there is a beach side at Kuantan, Mcd n KFC r nearby there. haha... Next, ntg to do there b4, 7 somethings edi, then i sat at the beach n play psp, wahaha, while wait them bought ball ball.. Aftertat v played beach volleyball, very cincai only lah, most of them cannot hit the bal, 蠢到要死,hahahaha... don beat me! then played 躲避球there, tis 1 they clever a bit lah, noe how to play. Tired edi then v went Mcd bought sundae cones n makan there. Quite a number of ppl went to tat beach, espeacially the nite time, can see a lot families n couples 在海滩漫步
All day long in Kuantan, v hav not eat the local food there, very cham, n the time v ate dinner was 10 something edi, the chinese stall sao dong edi lo, not choice lo, eat malay food + recommended satay in Kuantan. The satay there ar, very 大串,ketupak very dai gao, at least the double of kl, luckilly i dint order too much, i think most of them can eat till vomit edi.
Aftertat, haha, i went the ar gua's area n watch ar gua after bek to hotel. i'm the only 1 went to see ar gua, my fren in Kuantan forced me lo(actually i 1 to see too) haha, a good experience over here. some ar gua damn pretty lo, if they dint mention, they very sok! but some r... ..., haha, not nid to ask u noe they r chao ar gua. lol.. Most of them sure went to Thailand b4, all at least C cup de, all wear 低胸 n dress or skirt, hoho, some ar gua got something 凸出来,very gao siu... lol..
Next day, v went to lembing, chinese called 林明,then climbed moutain there. V very chi sin, most of us sleep 2 or 3 hours only then woke up at 3 something to climb tat moutain. Some even dint sleep(good lah, no nid to drive mah), my xiao fa lagi geng, they said he studied there wo, dunno true anot, acting there, wahaha... Bek to lembing, v climb till the peak of the moutain to watch sunrise, but tat day 'Mr Sun over slept', v cant see the sunrise! T.T But nvm, the sea of cloud there damn cantik, i love tat scene, extremely cantik. V ate 林明面afterward, hav a short walk at tat pekan then bek to hotel.
i like tat hotel lah, not the quality of their service or environment, n i also dint use their bed too much, the most i like is their tv channel provided. wahaha.. i can watch NBA(decide to sleep b4, damn tired), wow~ LA lakers, kobe bryant, yoyoyo, damn geng, hopefully they won tat day, if not, mayb i would crash my car along the way bek to kl.
Lastly, did u guys hear tis phrase, '有徒弟没师傅' !? Niniapo, i'm the leader of the other 2 cars b4, cuz the drivers r not familiar to the road as well as the speed n i nid guide them along the trip, them i drove slow slow( some area really damn slow, almost fall sleep! haha). walau, they cut my car at the highway(not important, cut b4), then they start to 'fly' edi(v got 'fly' b4), n dint wait me edi till i cant see their car. lol.. But tis is a good sign, haha, cuz i can 'fly' too, wahaha, bobian lo, drove around 150km/h to overtake them.. dun play play ya.. haha..nid to wait for saman, espeacially the 车‘昇’.. lol
In the end, the only regretful thing is v hav no enuf time, sleep not enuf, play not enuf especially can't go tat rainbow waterfall, time was crashing, bobian lo.. hehe.. the end

Friday, May 1, 2009

The return of the 'king'!!!

Yea~ finally, my 1st sem in utar will be gone, i can bek from hell to heaven! Fei zhu wong will return soon... wahaha... Kampar, actually not bad lah, hot a bit, no air conditioner, no dota, dint play bb, no yum cha, no lepak n bla bla bla! lol.. Cuz really ‘O屎都不得闲’! These were a good sign, can concentrate to study!haha... But, i LOVE KL, i'm loving it! At kl, my family, my buddies, my fren r all over there(my dog dog also there)! A lot of things i can do in kl, n less things i can do over here! T.T
Yea~ Most probably i'll bek on next wed, hope to see u guys soon. After bek, i hav a lot of things 1 to do, those r the stuffs i normally did b4 study here n i never or hardly ever did over here! I hav 3 weeks holiday, actually a bit less compare to those ppl study at ukm, upm n bla bla bla! They hav a longer holiday, 2.5 months, 3 times my holiday. Nvm, i'll fully utilize my time, hahaha... i 1 loitering...

Those r the things i 1 to do:
1) Mother's day, nid to treat my mum makan! I very hao shun de... haha
2) Play basketball, walau, i really long time dint play le(side effect: spare tyre came out edi), sure 1 to play gao gao.
3) Astro, now only i noe ur wai dai, i 1 watch NBA playoffs, lakers, kobe bryant, i 1 to be ur witness in the road to champion... N football also, manchester united, i 1 watch their uefa champion league final at Rome(through astro)! wahaha.. very excited!
4) winning eleven, 1 ps2 game, i play everyday last time, really enjoy to play tis football game.
5) Dota, longgggggggggg time dint play le. i'll 'godlike' u guys... haha.. jk only, giv me some face, dun q me!
6) shopping, nid buy some clothes, shoes n most important, computer accessories! i hav no cooler pack, antivirus( my laptop is not protected), n a laptop bag!!! hope wont use a lot money! haha
7) Travel, yea~ i'll go malacca(again) with form 6 fellows, look forward to it! hope mai mai dint cheat me lah, she said v'll go penang(n again for me) wo, wait till my neck become longer n longer.

N the last n most important things, YUM CHA... Ninapo de, really long time dint yum cha with u guys(some lah), miss u all >.<
Must yum cha's list, haha:
a) my lovely doggie(host not be around, got eat pedigree anot!?haha)
b) cibek kok ming( u try to put aeroplane again, u'll die)
c) hao hao n mai mai them(prepare ur money to play mahjung)
d) kwan kwan( i wont forget u de)
e) basketbal's gang( aftertat dota ya! haha)
f) xiao fa n mr.soon them( when is ur turn to fetch me! lol)
g) kiat woon(lol... last time cannot make it,soli soli, damn long dint yum cha with u)
h) ojien(also promise last time n dint make it, haha... most probably i'll come on 9th may)
i) hwa li( rmb to date me ya! haha.. n prepare ur money)
j) lik hei( Oppss, u havent bek from australia o! haha)
No matter noon or nite(preferable), rmb to find me yum cha or dont fong fei kei when i find u yum cha! lol .. YEA~ fuei fuei gonna balik rumah soon...

Friday, March 20, 2009


SJKC SALAK SOUTH, besides my house, this was the place i'd be there for most times in last first half of year! Y i'd be there? R u sweeping there, or help to wash the toilet? A sweeper? In fact, i'm a primary scul teacher, there is no argument for that. Yes, i was a teacher, most probaby, most of my fren thought that i fooled them while i told them. fei zhu wong wo, dun cheat there lah, there was incredible u r a teacher, a playful guy, owez siao like sozai, said rude works to my buddies(@^$%#^%#@), most of the time r not serious n bla bla bla... somemore go cc dota(got 1 time a student saw me in cc, damn)... haha... i also never, ever thought that i'll become a teacher, tis was unbelievable for me too, how come tis kind of ppl could be a teacher!? lol... After i have been gratuated from high scul, one of my sentosa fren(yung seng) introduced us to interview tis job, really thx him, it's a great and wonderful job i ever had b4. well, teacher, i was satisfied to it, their payment not bad, moderate for me, RM 1200++ per month for SPM level, RM 1600++/month for STPM level, better than xiong xiong, do u guys noe!? RM 500++, my doggie upgrade edi, transform to human, become a cheap labour... haha... cheer for him, n he can on9 while working mah, not bad. Back into topic, i teach at afternoon session, i love it, hate to wake up at the early morning, tat's y i have been skipped a lot morning class in uni... lol... Obviously, the working hours was relatively short, damn short, 1 to 7pm, then 3 to 4 hours were teaching periods, other time juz stay at office read newspaper n mark those exercise books. Then i can hang out at nite times, haha...
SJKC SALAK SOUTH, ya, it's small, but tis was a nice scul, every things were simpled, teachers were helpful, owez rent me a hand b4 i asked them, they will tell me wat to do for most things, share some of their teaching experinces, how to control a class n bla bla bla... 郑副 also treat us good, v owez ask her bout the salary, cuz government damn slow to release salary, i wait half a year to get those salary since i began to teach at jan... Student, tis is the major thing in tis post, the most memorable stuffs in my teaching period...
Ya, mentioned again, i'm a teacher, so, my student sure will call me 张老师!!! tis sound was good u noe, since i was a primary student, i has been daydream some1 will call me zhang lao shi, there was an admiration when other classmate(primary) call like tis! 1st time my student called me zhang lao shi, 感觉有风吹过,轻飘飘地。。。n smile while heard that, syok a... haha... Honestly, when u r a teacher, u can feel the simple childlike of the student, every things go in simple ways, their talking, attidute,innocent of them, u can recall ur primary life, no act, no cheat(even through they cheat, u noe edi) if u dun like,我不跟你好了, how green is it...

Although my hair got a bit long, it's the proved that i'm a teacher! haha... the student is 咖哩菲 only! lol... i forced him to take photo with me! Yang chen hou, very lazy de...

some students r 人小鬼大,owez ask somethings that not be on their level. As example, when i teach science, i told them the term of REPRODUCTION n bla bla bla.. then some asked how do they born, if xiong xiong ask, sure i'll tell him ur father's sperm flew into ur mother xxx when ML, then created u lo... haha...dun angry ya, i 1 a contrast... haha... as a primary teacher, i told them ur father n mother get marry then born u lo, some 人小鬼大said more in detail, ' lao shi, i noe, i watch the movie b4, daddy n mummy bla bla bla, then bla bla bla' , sure he scold by me, n i said i no nid to noe ! lol... but is was fun...

my class, 2U! lol...

not dare to take much photo, a parent stare me edi, later she complain me then dai wok!

i had the most times to teach in tis class,2u, all students i has been recognized, even whose sat on which place. My lovely class, lovely students were be there. many type of students inside the class, intelligent, lazy, blur, n bla bla bla, some r cute(most r gal), i very sayang the cute cute student... haha... my fren said i got 恋童癖!!! haha... i also dunno. few students r talkactive, they dared to speak with me while i'm teaching, said a lot non-related things, sometimes flew over the topic. but it's not bad, at least they pay attention, then sometimes said some funny things... New generation now, not same as our era, shy shy de, teacher said tis then juz follow. lol... But i really put a lot of effort on it, when u changed some1 bad behaviour, like din listen to lecture, din pass up their homeworks, lazy n bla bla bla.. tis was an achievement u noe, not noly teach them in academy area but also help them to create their personality, change bad behaviours, how to treat a person n so on. Mayb it's not much n some still dint change at all or juz act when i'm be around, but i contribute the part i shud bring to them.

the fellow in right side is my lovely student, called chan sin wei, but he owez scold by me!!! cuz he owez daydream there, after scold by me, he shown me the cute face. haha... n he often said some nonsense things, then made me answer some nonsense things too...

the 'v' stye fellow, chow yao yew, a intelligence student, talkactive too...

sport day... the middle gal pose well when took photo. dun believe, see next!

see, at this age, she very geng! can fight with hao hao! haha... i very ugly, dunno y i pose like tis!?
when i act i'm injure, that nurse dun 1 to cure me!!! sad, she din choi the teacher!
savages gang!
those photo took at recycle day, they use the recycle things to do clothes. the red fellow's clothes very geng, her mother use the plastic bags to make the 旗袍, saw from far side, u wont noe it made from tat things. then the front side, 2nd from left the mother lagi geng, she made the 和服 for her daughter! dunno made from wat, but she was the champion of tat category.
Dunno my students still rmb tis zhang lao shi anot!? miss them a lot! sometimes i'll think, do they do their homework, how r their result, do they bully their teacher(form teacher said they bully the teacher that replace my position)!? really miss them, i felt sadness when i leaeve the scul, haiz... but i'm happy when the 1st time i went back to scul after i resigned, help 郑副 for few weeks, teach at morning, not afternoon anymore, but when i saw them, they vey excited, my heart felt warm tat time... haha... if i hav a chance, i'd like to go back n teach for a short period, to see my students, how they grow like... Primary scul teacher, not a bad occupation, it might not my dream job, but i wont resist it, mayb someday i can't find a job, i'll do teacher again.. haha... juz for SJKC SALAK SOUTH, other r suck!

Sunday, March 1, 2009


今天很无聊的, 在youtube看了俩个多小时的video clips... 本打算看一下下就继续打我的lab report, 不自禁地, 没完没了的陶醉在其中! 今天的主题是我最最最崇拜的运动员_ kobe bryant...
简介一下,kobe bryant,nba LA lakers 篮球队的球星, 要怎么样形容他!? 很简单,如果我是某某球队的老板, 他是一位我要把他放在神台上, 每天要为他烧香膜拜的神级人物。神,他是比神还要神的神。每次看他的球赛,心里都会有种莫名的感动,然后会想去模仿他的技术,有要打篮球的冲动。他是篮球艺术的超级典范,看他打球,好像在看一出不像艺术片的艺术片,一片不会沉闷的艺术作品!优雅,把篮球打得如此优雅的人,我看都没有几个。他的优雅之处,在于他跳投射篮真的太太太厉害了,动作如此的优美,空间掌握的熟练,往往在不可能地方射不可能的球,不可思议的时候灌些动作超优美的灌篮。。。在当今科技发达的时候,一位运动员的技术和习惯往往会被研究再研究,自己的习惯外人可能比自己还要清楚,久而久之,技术会被人看透后杀伤力就会减少!但对于bryant,技术被看明了,又如何!?你可能知道他下一步要做什么,你的神经系统就是反应不及,反应到了可能是你要去篮底开球的时候了。他的变化太多了,每走一步,都是一种变数,跳起后还可以有不同的变化,比air jordan还要air 的神。只要他有决心的时候,篮球场的什么角落,甚至是死角,他都能把它投进,soop响亮的声音,超好听地。很喜欢技术型的球员,因为他们都没有中前锋将高(较高嘛,投篮容易点,欺负矮小的人),所以技术型的人都会想方法在高过他们的人面前进球,是用脑打球的人。bryant的技术,太独一无二了,比炉火纯青还要高的境界,背后付出的,有谁比他还要更了解清楚?决心,从他身上学了很多,从一个受万人爱戴的天之骄子到一个被人垂骂得完无体肤的球星,现在又慢慢建立回来的拥护,他是位很值得尊敬和崇拜的坚强的人,比小强还要强的大强。有谁有将多的决心,在高峰时刻掉入谷底后,能靠一己之力攀上比那高峰期还要高的成就!?我的话,精力磨光了就可能在气馁了。bryant,他是这少数中的一人,在压力下完成这任务。运动员的生存时光不长,真希望他能打更多更多的年,一次MVP(Most Valuable Player,a top award in NBA)太不衬托他的成就了,还有很多记录等着他来打破,这才适合他的非凡!NBA的口号,'where amazing happen',应该是为了用它来形容bryant而设的吧!bryant加油,lebron收皮啦!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

'Speacial day' in UTAR, kampar!!!

Normally, it's not something special around us, but it's a 'special day' in UTAR, kampar!! This is the most touchable since i hav been study here... How long i hav study here, i think is be around 2 months! this is the view i hardly ever saw in UTAR campus. i cant believe my eye when i saw tis scene, my tear was hanging there(jk), i thoght i was dreaming, it's an incredible things here! that is, i saw a lot of gals wear skirt!!! haha... haih, tis is the pitiful of the gentleman in tis campus, ladies cannot wear mini skirt in the canpus. normal skirt is accecptable, but dunno y only few ppl wear skirt. normally, they owez wear a shirt + jean,koa dim edi. basically, i can use my fingers, 5 fingers is more than enuf, to count who else wear skirt in a day(for my falcuty). tis is an 'unusual day' here, becuz i can't use my fingers to count whose wear skirt, i nid use my toes also.haha... tis is ntg special, but tis is an endanger scene here, almost extinct! lol... ladies, pls learn how to wear skirt, skirt can make a woman more woman. it make u look more beautiful, built up the woman's temperament and keep ladies' deportment! lol... long time din see ladies wear skirt, a bit chi sian edi, not bian tai! haha... so, ladies, pls wear skirt when go out with me! haha...

Saturday, February 21, 2009

给澳洲的dai jiao!!!

Blog, 很久以前就已很想写了!毫无疑问,chan lik hei, this is for u!
想一想,你去澳洲看袋鼠已一个星期了。上个星期,我是知道ar chan是要走了,但忙到没有时间去沉淀这感觉,对不起!
夜晚,我超爱夜晚!它能让我静静的回想以前得事情,去感受这些事情。很久没有这样夜睡了,很多事情突然很清晰的徘徊在脑海中,原来我和ar chan 的回忆也不少。
我很清楚地记得,我们是因为篮球而认识的!当时,你是和你的邻居(忘了名字)一起傻傻的在salak south garden 的羽球场打篮球,没看错,是羽球场!然后不懂是谁走过去跟你这百痴哈拉,就这样的一起打球,就这样的邂逅,就这样认识了,一起打球,讲废话,进校队,打比赛。
salak south garden,我很喜欢这个地方,它有很多dai jiao们的回忆。每个星期六早上打到中午,有时玩些很无聊的游戏,还记得吗?哪射屁股的白痴三分比赛?还有下雨时打球,进球后像足球员般在地上滑来滑去,喊goal~~~ 够白痴了。之后在比赛前疯狂的练球,打比赛,taman yarl,sentosa... ...
Form 4 form 5,是我们最要好的时候,每天在学校哈拉,说废话,shot 来shot去,BM一起考不及格,被puan... ... 骂!哈!每天模仿puan sosamah 讲‘good morning, students’
有时还去PA room ponteng,超记得一件事_华文班油漆!我们五条水,loong loong, w.haur, z.yin, u n me 在华文班油漆,油了很多天而且那时还很多烟霾!最后要清理华文班那天,清清下五条水在那晚水,玩玩下趴在地上讲心事。虽然忘了聊什么,但很爽也很开心。还记得那些水是在女厕拿的,我们还变态到在那研究 '面包机' ,都怪你太变态,就一起变态下!
之前没想过去送你机,想了想,看了你和loong loong 的blog,觉得有点后悔,为什么我不在你离开Malaysia前其中的一个小回忆。朋友,我真的很钦信我们是认识的,我们还有很多一起的欢了;朋友,你要坚强的走下去,你不会孤单的;我们不会忘记你,你也不要忘记我们ya!好好照顾自己的身体,记得要打篮球,不要让你超 'wei' 的招式失传!maggie 不要吃太多,秃头你就知道,那要靠岸就渺茫咯!谭咏麟朋友这首歌(thx loong loong),很好听,一边听一边写,用了很多tissue,对不起树木了!哈!不是打飞机ya!虽然瘦了,但很喜欢肥猪王这花名,很有意义!等你回来哈拉,打球,记得练,输太多就不好了,我让你太多也不好咯。哈!v r waiting u,captain!